by Christine M | Aug 12, 2016 | Fitness, Mind/body, psychology
Writing about fitness and exercise means asking every personal trainer you come across for their tips on motivation – well, since the UK’s often decried as a nation of couch potatoes, exercise motivation is something we all probably need more of. But no...
by Christine Morgan | Sep 15, 2011 | Fitness, Food and drink, General health, Weightloss
Well I’ve heard everything now. Chocolate – you know, the devil incarnate in terms of blood sugar, weight gain and indeed dental health (plus others, I dare say) – is not only good for your heart (those studies, I’m afraid, are as common as muck these...
by Christine Morgan | Jul 4, 2011 | Fitness, Food and drink, General health
Red wine drinkers rejoice. French – at least, I think they’re French – scientists have some news that will put a huge smile on your face. Especially if you’re an exercise-shy wine lover. According to the researchers, whose study has just been published...
by Christine Morgan | Sep 16, 2010 | Fitness, General health
I just had to share this with you because it’s so funny. Well it is if you have a sense of humour like mine. But beware, this could also make you weep with despair. According to a study published in the October issue of the American Journal of Preventative...
by Christine Morgan | Jul 8, 2010 | Fitness, General health, Parenting
It’s a good old chicken and egg scenario – does slobbing around all day playing computer games make kids fat, or are fat kids just less likely to want to run around an athletics field in every waking minute of their spare time? As a ultra skinny kid who...